TH School Open House Chua Boc: Discover the "fairy tale" school

TH School Open House Chua Boc: Discover the "fairy tale" school

  • August 2,2022
  • 234
  • Admin
The students have had the chance to take part in various activities, taster's class, cooking class or pottery making class, and reveal the secrets of science through STEM activities.


    More than 100 special guests have discovered TH School kitchen's cuisine, which is known for its nutrition, fresh ingredients and deliciousness. Next up was the traditional music performance by conductor Đồng Quang Vinh - who have accompanied with TH School in the mission of preserving Vietnamese identity.

    Through this event, parents and students are impressed by the modern facilties of TH School, and hold a strong belief that this would be the ideal learning environment for their children to equip them for future journeys.

    #thschool #thschoolopenhouse #chuaboccampus

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